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What are the safe operating procedures for brush cutters? Posted by : admin / Posted on : Feb 01,2021

1 Check before operation
1.1 Check whether the safety device is firm, whether the screws and nuts of each part are loose, and whether the fuel leaks. Especially whether the installation screws of the blades and the screws of the gear box are tight, if they are loose, they should be tightened.
1.2 Check whether there are wires, stones, metal objects and other debris that hinder the operation in the work area.
1.3 Check the blade for nicks, cracks, bends, etc. Whether there is abnormal noise, if there is, check whether the blade is clamped properly.
1.4 When starting, be sure to leave the brush cutter off the ground or a place with obstacles.
1.5 When starting the engine, make sure that there are no people around. Make sure that the blade is off the ground before starting.
1.6 The choke door should be opened when the temperature is low, and the choke door should not be used when the car is hot.
1.7 First slowly pull out the starting rope until it stops moving, and then pull it out quickly and forcefully after rebounding.
1.8 When there is no load, the throttle should be moved to idle speed or low throttle position to prevent runaway; when working, the throttle should be increased.
1.9 Do not start the engine indoors.
2 Technical maintenance
2.1 The running-in period of the newly delivered brush cutter is from the beginning of use until the third oil filling. Do not let the engine run at high speed without load during use, so as not to bring additional burden to the engine during the running-in period.
2.2 After working at full load for a long time during the working period, let the engine idle for a short period of time to allow the cooling airflow to take away most of the heat, so that the driving device components (ignition device, carburetor) will not cause adverse consequences due to heat accumulation.
2.3 Maintenance of the air filter. Adjust the air door to the choke position to prevent dirt from entering the intake pipe. Place the foam filter in a clean non-flammable cleaning solution (such as hot soapy water) to wash and dry. Replace the felt filter. When it is not too dirty, you can tap or blow it slightly, but the felt filter cannot be cleaned. The damaged filter element must be replaced.
2.4 Inspection of spark plug. In case of insufficient engine power, difficulty in starting or idling failure, first check the spark plug. Clean the contaminated spark plug, check the electrode distance, the correct distance is 0.3mm, adjust if necessary. In order to avoid sparks and fire hazards, be sure to screw the nut on the thread and tighten it, and press the spark plug plug tightly on the spark plug.
3 Safe operation requirements
1 The operator must be trained and read the instruction manual carefully before using it for the first time.
2 It is strictly forbidden to operate the brush cutter after drinking, fatigue or illness.
3 Wear tight-fitting long-sleeved tops and trousers. Do not wear short-sleeved, skirts, scarves, ties, and work coats for homework.
4 Wear work clothes and corresponding labor protection supplies as required, such as helmets, protective glasses, gloves, and work shoes.
5 Turn off the engine before refueling. When there is no fuel when the engine is warmed up during work, it should be stopped for 3 minutes, and the engine should be cooled before refueling, and the fuel should not overflow. If the leakage occurs, it should be wiped clean before refueling. After adding fuel to the brush cutter, move the machine to another safe place to start.
6 Do not smoke when using the machine or near the machine to prevent fire.
7 During maintenance and repair, turn off the engine and remove the spark plug high-voltage wire.
8 Keep irrelevant personnel away from the operating point 3m away to prevent damage from thrown blades and debris.
9 Pay attention to the adjustment of idle speed, and make sure that the cutter head cannot follow the rotation after releasing the throttle.
10 The safety device must be assembled firmly before operation.
11 If you collide with hard objects such as rocks, iron wires, or the blade is hit, the engine should be turned off. Check whether the blade is damaged, if there is an abnormal phenomenon, do not use it.
12 In order to prevent slipping on rainy days, do not perform operations; do not perform operations under severe weather such as windy weather or heavy fog.
13 When operating for a long time, rest in the middle and check whether all parts are loose, especially the blade part.
14 In operation-it is important to hold the handle, and in order to maintain balance, you should properly spread your feet.
15 When the operation is interrupted or moved, the engine must be stopped first.
16 The engine should be turned off during machine transportation. When transporting or storing the machine, there must be a protective device on the blade, and the blade must be moved forward.
17 Only plastic rope is allowed to be used as the cutting head, and steel wire is strictly prohibited to replace plastic rope.